Lot 1-250 : Starting at 10am
Lot 251-700: Starting at 1pm
Viewing by appointment on Tuesday 4th June 2024
711 lots
An early 20thC bronze figure of a skating cherub on a black marble base, H. 26cm.
Lot 1
An early 20thC bronze figure of a skating cherub on a black marble base, H. 26cm.
- £250
An early 20th Century bronze figure of a cherub playing a flute on a marble base, H. 23cm.
Lot 2
An early 20th Century bronze figure of a cherub playing a flute on a marble base, H. 23cm.
- £250
An early 20thC mechanical Organillo with boxed roll, W. 39cm H. 38cm.
Lot 3
An early 20thC mechanical Organillo with boxed roll, W. 39cm H. 38cm.
- £80
A pair of ormulu mounted continental figures of cockatoos, H. 42cm.
Lot 4
A pair of ormulu mounted continental figures of cockatoos, H. 42cm.
- £200
A large mounted tribal cowrie shell neck piece, H. 47cm W. 42cm.
Lot 5
A large mounted tribal cowrie shell neck piece, H. 47cm W. 42cm.
- £100
A pair of hand enamelled Chinese porcelain vases, H. 33cm.
Lot 7
A pair of hand enamelled Chinese porcelain vases, H. 33cm.
- £250
A bronze figure of boxing hares, H. 25cm.
Lot 8
A bronze figure of boxing hares, H. 25cm.
- £120
A 19thC French gilt bronze mantle clock on a gilt wooden base, H. 38cm.
Lot 9
A 19thC French gilt bronze mantle clock on a gilt wooden base, H. 38cm.
- £250
An impressive silver plate and cut crystal clarinet water jug, H. 34cm.
Lot 10
An impressive silver plate and cut crystal clarinet water jug, H. 34cm.
- £250
A continental painted and gilt pottery vase, mounted on a bronze base with gilt metal liner, H. 29cm. (A/f)
Lot 11
A continental painted and gilt pottery vase, mounted on a bronze base with gilt metal liner, H. 29cm. (A/f)
- £60
A group of four vintage Venetian glass figures, Tallest H. 36cm.
Lot 12
A group of four vintage Venetian glass figures, Tallest H. 36cm.
- £300
A mid 20thC copperized metal figure of Achilles on a stone base, H. 40cm.
Lot 13
A mid 20thC copperized metal figure of Achilles on a stone base, H. 40cm.
- £100
A group of Royal Doulton and Doulton Slater stoneware items, Tallest H. 22cm.
Lot 14
A group of Royal Doulton and Doulton Slater stoneware items, Tallest H. 22cm.
- £80
A Moorcroft ginger jar and lid, H. 11cm.
Lot 15
A Moorcroft ginger jar and lid, H. 11cm.
- £80
A group of three Royal Doulton figurines.
Lot 16
A group of three Royal Doulton figurines.
- £40
A large Murano glass figure of a cockerel, H. 27cm. Together with three other good glass items.
Lot 17
A large Murano glass figure of a cockerel, H. 27cm. Together with three other good glass items.
- £120
A group of three large polished hardstone balls, Dia. 10cm.
Lot 18
A group of three large polished hardstone balls, Dia. 10cm.
- £80
A pair of continental ormulu and porcelain candelabra of humming birds, H. 26cm.
Lot 19
A pair of continental ormulu and porcelain candelabra of humming birds, H. 26cm.
- £120
A group of three interesting large Murano glass items, Tallest. 43cm.
Lot 20
A group of three interesting large Murano glass items, Tallest. 43cm.
- £120
A fine Murano style glass vase, H. 48cm.
Lot 22
A fine Murano style glass vase, H. 48cm.
- £50
A group of eight Royal Doulton and Coalport figures of ladies.
Lot 23
A group of eight Royal Doulton and Coalport figures of ladies.
- £120
A group of eight Royal Doulton and Coalport figures of ladies.
Lot 24
A group of eight Royal Doulton and Coalport figures of ladies.
- £120
An early 20thC Chinese brass candelabrum, H. 41cm, together with a pair of bronze vases.
Lot 25
An early 20thC Chinese brass candelabrum, H. 41cm, together with a pair of bronze vases.
- £120
A bronze figure of a gorilla on a marble base, H. 18cm L. 20cm.
Lot 26
A bronze figure of a gorilla on a marble base, H. 18cm L. 20cm.
- £80
A bronze dish decorated with horses, Dia. 25cm.
Lot 27
A bronze dish decorated with horses, Dia. 25cm.
- £60
A pair of early 20thC bronze figures of medieval soldiers, Tallest 36cm.
Lot 28
A pair of early 20thC bronze figures of medieval soldiers, Tallest 36cm.
- £400
Two mid 20thC porcelain group figures, W. 40cm (one repaired).
Lot 29
Two mid 20thC porcelain group figures, W. 40cm (one repaired).
- £40
An Austin productions painted composition figure of a girl, H. 30cm. Together with a Canadian Inuit type figure.
Lot 30
An Austin productions painted composition figure of a girl, H. 30cm. Together with a Canadian Inuit type figure.
- £80
A group of two Chinese porcelain figures together with a Franklin Mint figure and a further two oriental porcelain figures. Tallest 43cm.
Lot 31
A group of two Chinese porcelain figures together with a Franklin Mint figure and a further two oriental porcelain figures. Tallest 43cm.
- £80
A 19thC French gilt spelter mantle clock on gilt wooden and dome base, H. 25cm W. 29cm.
Lot 32
A 19thC French gilt spelter mantle clock on gilt wooden and dome base, H. 25cm W. 29cm.
- £80
A reproduction gravity clock, Dia. 13cm. Slope W. 58cm.
Lot 33
A reproduction gravity clock, Dia. 13cm. Slope W. 58cm.
- £400
A large clear glass sculptural vase, H. 41cm. Possibly Whitefriars.
Lot 34
A large clear glass sculptural vase, H. 41cm. Possibly Whitefriars.
- £100
A Tibetan cast bronze figure of a seated Tara, H. 32cm.
Lot 36
A Tibetan cast bronze figure of a seated Tara, H. 32cm.
- £250